Balancing precision and efficiency in cell therapy assays: low volume sampling for mycoplasma detection

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights 2024; 10(11), 1553

DOI: 10.18609/cgti.2024.177

Published: 10 December 2024
Sharon Rouw

Watch the video or view the poster to:

  • understand the critical role of rapid and accurate detection of mycoplasma contamination in ensuring the safety and efficacy of cell therapy products;
  • learn about a novel GMP-compliant workflow for amplifying and detecting mycoplasma in cell therapy products; and
  • explore case studies demonstrating the ability to detect mycoplasma in sample volumes as low as 1.5–2 mL with automated sample preparation.

Sharon Rouw is part of the Pharma Analytics business, a team responsible for development and commercialization of testing applications for Microbiology, Analytical Sciences and Quality Control. Sharon has over 20 years’ experience across the biopharma, pharma and life science industries. She holds a master’s degree in cell & molecular biology and an MBA from Washington University.