Determining the optimal culture system for your scale up strategy

Cell & Gene Therapy Insights 2019; 5(3), 465–469.


Published: 28 May 2019
Marco Koppe, Clive Glover

Dr Clive Glover

Dr Clive Glover is Senior Global Marketing Manager, Cell & Gene Therapy, Pall Corporation, UK. Clive leads Pall’s cell and gene therapy business. Previously he was responsible for driving product development efforts around cell therapy at GE Healthcare and has also held positions in marketing and product management at STEMCELL Technologies. Clive holds a PhD in Genetics from the University of British Columbia.

Marco Koppe

Marco Koppe, Global Product Manager Cell Culture and Clarification at Pall Biotech, starts working with the Pallproducts in 2001. First at the Dutch distributor, followed atPall when it went directly to the Dutch market.In his previous role as a member of Pall Biotech ScientificLaboratory Services (SLS) team, His responsibility wasdeveloping clarification processes at (key) customers with the Pall products and involvements at (A)R&D on developing new products. Currently he is GPM for the iCELLis® technology.


This article is part of the Upstream Bioprocessing Update spotlight